Friday, January 21, 2011


I went to Wilson today to visit my students. They are an amazing group of kids! They have sent me so much love and encouragement. I even have students sending me encouraging scriptures to remind me that God is good and to lean not on my own understanding. In addition to hugging your kids, I want to add a reminder not to underestimate the awesomeness of their understanding and the capacity of their hearts to love and hope!


  1. Nice visit. Kids have such insight. . .their insight and encouragement is wonderful.

  2. Sounds like a fun encouraging visit!!! I'm thankful for their capacity to see how big He is, even we don't 'get it' all!! Hang in there for the 2nd half of treatment, and have a great weekend filled with family, friends, and football!! Know that there are lots of hugs, prayers, and love coming your way all the way from Bama!! I love you cuz!!!

  3. Lisa, you made a HUGE impact on this group of students while you were with them! Dakota came home everyday and told me funny things you said :)
    Each of them was impacted in one way or another by your willingness to be a teacher & friend.

    Thank you for taking the time to visit them, they needed to SEE you :)
    BTW, the 1st thing Dakota said about you when she told me about the visit was; "Mrs. S had on eye shadow, got a really cute short haircut & was wearing a cool hat!!!"

    She prays for you every night Lisa!! As do the rest of us, each & every day!!

    Stay strong my friend!!
